Language Overview
Javascript is a very popular language that was created in 1995. Since it's inception, the project has amassed a large following. Most websites use Javascript in some way, from user interaction to back end logic. Almost every web developer will have to write JavaScript at some point in their career. Javascript can also be used to write mobile and desktop apps, as well.
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Used for websites web games mobile apps desktop apps
low barrier to entry
high demand
low-high pay
easy to find help
How learnable is a given language? It depends on a variety of factors, including how difficult it is to learn the syntax or find reliable resources when you get stuck.
Ready to start learning? We suggest using visiting to start your journey
What is the demand and pay for people writing in this language? What is the reality of their day-to-day? Everything career-related is explored here.
Learning Resources
Find resources to help you learn--from documentation and tutorials to forums where you can interact with other developers.