Language Overview

Rust is a fairly new language, with the first stable version being released in 2014. It has generated a lot of excitment and is often cited as a replacement for much older languages C and C++. It is described as a Systems Programming Language, which means that it is mostly used to build software for your operating system, but it can be used for many more things as well.

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medium barrier to entry

medium demand

high pay

hard to find help


How learnable is a given language? It depends on a variety of factors, including how difficult it is to learn the syntax or find reliable resources when you get stuck.

Ready to start learning? We suggest using visiting to start your journey


What is the demand and pay for people writing in this language? What is the reality of their day-to-day? Everything career-related is explored here.


Ways to interact with the community, from following influential leaders on Twitter to meeting people in virtual forums or at conferences.

Graydon Hoare

Designed Rust while working at Mozilla Research

Aria Beingessner

Helped design Rust's standard collection APIs and created the Sburb game engine.

Alex Crichton

Core Contributer

Niko Matsakis

Co-lead of the Rust language design team.

Learning Resources

Find resources to help you learn--from documentation and tutorials to forums where you can interact with other developers.

Helping new and established developers compare coding languages.


We're three developers with a passion for community who aim to create a welcoming, informative space for people at all points of their code journeys.

Created by Matt Silbernagel, Erica Handelman and Eric Boggs