Language Overview
GO is a fast, efficient and reliable languague supported by Google. It was designed at Google starting in 2007 and version 1.0 was released in 2012. The designers were motivated by their shared dislike of C++. May popular developer tools are written using GO
Visit the Official SiteGO
Used for websites games web services systems programming
medium barrier to entry
high demand
high pay
medium to find help
How learnable is a given language? It depends on a variety of factors, including how difficult it is to learn the syntax or find reliable resources when you get stuck.
Ready to start learning? We suggest using visiting to start your journey
What is the demand and pay for people writing in this language? What is the reality of their day-to-day? Everything career-related is explored here.
Ways to interact with the community, from following influential leaders on Twitter to meeting people in virtual forums or at conferences.
Learning Resources
Find resources to help you learn--from documentation and tutorials to forums where you can interact with other developers.