Barrier to Entry

Some languages make it very easy to start writing code, a classic example being writing javascript in your browser console. Others that require a lot of setup, including special programs and installations, have a higher barrier of entry.

low / Barrier to Entry / 6 total

low barrier to entry

low demand

high pay

medium to find help

low barrier to entry

high demand

low-high pay

easy to find help

low barrier to entry

high demand

low-high pay

easy to find help

low barrier to entry

high demand

low-high pay

easy to find help

low barrier to entry

high demand

low-high pay

easy to find help

low barrier to entry

medium demand

medium pay

easy to find help

Helping new and established developers compare coding languages.


We're three developers with a passion for community who aim to create a welcoming, informative space for people at all points of their code journeys.

Created by Matt Silbernagel, Erica Handelman and Eric Boggs